Spinal Fixation

What Is Spinal Fixation?

Spinal fixation is a surgical procedure used to stabilize the spine and treat various spinal conditions. This type of surgery is crucial for individuals who have experienced spinal fractures, degenerative disc disease, or other spinal instabilities. By fixing the spine in place, this surgery helps alleviate pain and improve mobility.

How Does Spinal Fixation Work?

Spinal fixation surgeries involve the use of implants, such as screws, rods, and plates, to stabilize the vertebrae. The procedure aims to immobilize the affected spinal segments, which helps to reduce pain caused by movement and instability. The fixation devices are placed around the spine to hold the vertebrae in the correct position, allowing the spine to heal properly.

What Conditions Are Treated with Spinal Fixation?

Spinal fracture fixation treatment is commonly used to address various conditions:

  • Spinal Fractures: Injuries to the vertebrae that can cause instability and severe pain.
  • Degenerative Disc Disease: A condition where the spinal discs lose their cushioning ability, leading to pain and discomfort.
  • Spondylolisthesis: A condition where one vertebra slips over another, causing spinal instability and pain.
  • Spinal Stenosis: Narrowing of the spinal canal that compresses nerves, leading to pain and other symptoms.

Spinal fixation helps stabilize the spine, reduce pain, and improve overall function by 

What Is the Procedure for Spinal Fixation Surgery?

The process of spinal fixation surgery typically involves several steps:

  1. Preoperative Evaluation: Patients undergo imaging studies like X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans to assess the condition of the spine and determine the best approach for fixation.
  2. Surgical Procedure: The surgeon makes an incision to access the spine, removes any damaged or problematic disc material, and places fixation devices to stabilize the vertebrae. The goal is to align the spine and secure it in place.
  3. Postoperative Care: After the surgery, patients follow a recovery plan that includes physical therapy, lifestyle adjustments, and adherence to medical advice to support healing and prevent complications.

What Are the Benefits of Spinal Fixation Surgery?

Spinal fixation offers several benefits for patients:

  • Pain Relief: By stabilizing the spine and reducing movement at the affected segments, the surgery helps alleviate chronic pain.
  • Improved Mobility: Many patients experience enhanced mobility and can return to their daily activities with greater ease.
  • Enhanced Stability: The procedure prevents further spinal instability and degeneration, improving overall spinal health.

Why Choose Us for Your Spinal Fixation Treatment?

Our team is recognized as the leading spinal fixation surgery doctors in Delhi, offering specialized care for spinal fractures and related conditions. We excel in spinal fracture fixation treatment in Delhi, providing expert solutions to address complex spinal issues. With a focus on advanced techniques and personalized care, we ensure effective outcomes and comprehensive support throughout your treatment journey.

Trust us for superior spinal fixation care, leveraging our expertise to achieve the best results for your spinal health.

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